Friday, 25 December 2015

Home Assignment 25.12

Dear students! I understand that you've got lots of things to do during your winter holidays, so the task won't be too long or difficult. Just take the list of Irregular Verbs and learn the first 25 of them with all the forms and their translation.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families!!!

Monday, 14 December 2015

Home Assignment 14.12

Repeat Unit 3;
Words "Mexico" - "Zimbabwe" - read and pronounce correctly.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Home Assignment 11.12

Wordlist: "really" - "piece" - Dictation;
SB: p.43, text - learn up to the end.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Home Assignment 10.12

SB: p.43, text - "It... - did!" - learn;
copy: p.70, ex.11 - write into the exercise-book.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Home Assignment 09.12

Copy: p.64, ex.9 - write into the exercise-book, ex.10,11 - in the copy.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Home Assignment 08.12

SB: p.42 - text - Part 1 ("Rob's Blog" - "area") - learn;
p.44, ex.3 - write a dialogue.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Home Assignment 07.12

Dictation: "immediately" - "view";
Past Simple - learn the rules;
WB: p.31-32 (Grammar) - ex.1,2 - in WB, ex.3,4 - write into the exercise-book.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Home Assignment 04.12

Words: "bus" - "drop" - Dictation;
SB: p.42-43 (text) - get ready to answer the questions;
WB: p.31, ex.3 - write into the exercise-book, ex.4 - in the WB.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Home Assignment 02.12

SB: p.42, ex.1 - read, translate the text (тільки та частина, яка на даній сторінці. С.43 не чіпаємо, вправи не виконуємо.)

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Monday, 30 November 2015

Friday, 27 November 2015

Home Assignment 27.11

WB: p.28, ex.1,2
SB: p.39, ex.3 - написати інтерв'ю в зошит за зразком ex.1,2.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Home Assignment 26.11

Words "beginning" - "too" - Dictation;
SB: p.148, Grammar Database 8 + exercise-book - learn the rules;
WB: p.27, ex.1,3 - виконуємо у WB, ex.2 - виконуємо у звичайному зошиті.

Home Assignment 25.11

Dialogue (exercise-book) - learn;
copy - p.99, ex.2,3 - write into the exercise-book.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Home Assignment 24.11

SB: p.36, ex.6 - write a dialogue (an interview with your partner) into the exercise-book using the questions in ex.1, p.36.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Home Assignment 23.11

WB, p.23, ex.1 - read 5 times, translate, get ready to answer the questions.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Home Assignment 20.11

SB: p.35 - Listening - ex.1 - listen + write the dialogue into the exercise-book;
p.32 - "All future ... - the new website" - learn.
Wordlist - Dictation (відзначені слова).

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Home Assignment 19.11

WB: p.25, ex.3,4 - write into the exercise-books (ОБИДВІ ВПРАВИ ПОВНІСТЮ ПИСЬМОВО В ЗОШИТ, ВОНИ БУЛИ ПРОЙДЕНІ НА УРОЦІ);
SB: p.32 - "Welcome..." - "Sports" link" - learn and speak.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Home Assignment 18.11

SB: p.148 - Grammar Database 7 - read 3 times, translate;
p.34, ex.1;
WB: p.24, ex.1

Home Assignment 17.11

SB: p.32-33 - get ready to answer my questions;
p.33 "A Welcome Poem" - learn;
words "news" - "latest" - Dictation.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Home Assignment 16.11

SB: p.32 Wordpower "article" - "postcard" - Dictation;
p.32-33 - read 5 times, translate (text "Linton School", "A Welcome Poem", questions) - контроль читання;
p.33, ex.3 + "Wordpower".

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Home Assignment 12.11

SB: CD-ROM, Unit 3 - зробити вправи у електронній версії, виписати на аркуш паперу кількість правильних та неправильних відповідей. 

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Home Assignment 11.11

Write 10 sentences in the Present Continuous using Object and Reflexive Pronouns (Grammar Database, p.147).

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Home Assignment 10.11

Unit 3 - Additionally

Copy: ex.1,2 - in the copy, ex.3 - write into the exercise-book.
(Для тих, хто був відсутній, додається посилання на файл із заданими вправами)

Monday, 9 November 2015

Friday, 6 November 2015

Home Assignment 06.11

WB: p.22, ex.4,1,2
Words "dangerous" - "swing" - Dictation
SB: p.30, ex.1 - reproduction (підготуватися до написання опису цього малюнка в класі без підказок, не заглядаючи в текст. Звернути увагу на речення у Present Continuous).

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Home Assignment 05.11

WB: p.20, Listening, ex.2 + write the Dialogue (WB, Track 3) into the exercise-books.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Home Assignment 04.11

Words "purse" - "angry" - Dictation
SB: p.28, ex.3 - write into the exercise-books (6-10 sentences)
p.147, Grammar Database 6 - learn the rules.

Home Assignment 03.11

WB: p.17, dialogue 1/2 - learn, p.19, ex.1,2,3
Words "shop assistant" - "never mind" - Dictation.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Home Assignment 02.11

Words "shop assistant" - "never mind" - learn (orally)
WB: p.17, ex.1 - контроль читання (read 5 times, translate), ex.2, p.18, ex.3.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Home Assignment 23.10-01.11

Copy: p.37,ex.8 - написати діалоги за зразком в зошит.
Words "circular" - "wide" - Dictation.
SB: p.27, Listening, ex.1, Conversation 1 - прослухати, написати в зошит, як диктант (аудіозапис можна завантажити з блогу, усі диски розміщені там 28 серпня).
Student's CD-ROM - Units 1-2 - пройти всі вправи, Unit 3 - Vocabulary.

Home Assignment 22.10

Words "expensive" - "sale" - Dictation
Write 12 sentences in the Present Continuous Tense (4+, 4-, 4?) into the copy-book
Copy - p.35, ex.4.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Monday, 19 October 2015

Home Assignment 20.10

SB: p.24-25, "Going Shopping" - read the dialogue 5 times, translate.
Words "butcher's" - "look for" - Dictation.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Monday, 12 October 2015

Home Assignment 12.10

SB: ex.3, p.18 - write a dialogue (12 реплік)
p.146-147, Grammar Database 3,4 - repeat the rules
WB: p.14, ex.1,2
Copy: p.50, ex.9

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Home Assignment 09.10

SB (Student's Book): Text "On the Farm" - get ready for a dictation
p.18, ex.2 ("Speaking")
p.146-147 - Grammar Database 4 (Adverbs of Frequency) - learn the rules (the word order)
p.19, ex.1,2 - write into the exercise-book, not the SB!

Home Assignment 08.10

WB: Ex.1,2, p.13
Words "take a holiday" - "column" - Dictation
Write 6 questions in the Present Simple tense starting with the words

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Home Assignment 07.10

Words "negative" - "though" - Dictation
Text "On the Farm" - (f) - learn.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Home Assignment 06.10

Text "On the Farm" - Paragraph "e" (learn)
Copy - p.48, ex.4 - write into the exercise-book, p.49, ex.5 - do in the copy.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Home Assignment 05.10

Retell the text "On the Farm" (a,b,c,d)
Copy - ex.1,3
Dictation - "brush" - "gently".

Friday, 2 October 2015

Робочі зошити

Шановні батьки!
Ключі (відповіді) до завдань робочого зошита з друкованою основою були видалені для більшої достовірності самостійної роботи Ваших дітей. Якщо Ви відчуваєте необхідність залишити вирізані сторінки у себе, запрошую відвідати наші уроки і забрати їх особисто.
З повагою,
Олена Вікторівна

Friday, 28 August 2015

Laser A1+

Welcome To Our Blog!

Dear students, parents and other visitors!
I am glad to welcome you here and really hope that our cooperation will be successful. This is the place where you will find the information about our studies, lessons, home assignment and the most important events. I would also like you to comment on the posts you see here, share your impressions and make suggestions.
There is a proverb: "A good beginning makes a good ending". I am looking forward to working with you and promise to do my best teaching my favourite language. I wish you the best academic year ever!
Yours faithfully,
Olena Victorivna :)