Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Домашнє завдання 25.01-29.01

Підручник за редакцією Калініної - стор.116-122 - виписати слова з табличок у словники, зазначивши тему "Nature and the Weather". Читати і перекладати тексти та діалоги на цих сторінках. + ліва половина списку неправильних дієслів - вчити усі 3 форми з перекладом.
Laser A1+: SB, p.50-51 - читати і перекладати текст.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Don't forget about your studies!

My dear students,
I hope you are enjoying the unexpected continuation of your winter holidays. But remember that it is not going to be easy to start the Second Term after such a long break. So, make sure you go on learning the Irregular Verbs from the list I gave you in December. You should also repeat all the words and rules of Units 1-5 (Laser A1+).
See you soon!

Monday, 11 January 2016

Are you ready to start the Second Term?

Dear students,
On the first day of the Second Term you have to bring the textbook by Kalinina and your vocabularies. Don't bring your Laser SB or WB. I am looking forward to seeing you again!

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Here are some good Christmas cartoons for you to watch and see how well you know and understand English! :)