SB WL 19, 20, 21 - translate fully (+definitions), pay attention to the TRANSCRIPTION!;
p.101-104 - do the exercises and translate the text at pp.102-103 (I will post the tracks for listening later);
WB p.76-78.
Блог учителя англійської мови Гуманітарної гімназії №1 ВМР Косовцевої Олени Вікторівни
SB WL 19, 20, 21 - translate fully (+definitions), pay attention to the TRANSCRIPTION!;
p.101-104 - do the exercises and translate the text at pp.102-103 (I will post the tracks for listening later);
WB p.76-78.
Those students who are going to be at school on Monday: get ready to speak (PHOBIAS), make sure you have don EVERYTHING that was assigned to you in Unit 6 (SB, WB) - prepare questions about the things you don't understand.
Everybody else: SP p.101 - do all the exercises; WL 18 (Module 7 - Introduction and 7a) - translate all the words + definitions.
SB p.100 ex.8 (track 17);
WB p.70 ex.2,3,4 (tracks 11, 12);
Write your email giving advice if you haven't done it yet;
Get ready for the Unit Test 6 (Vocabulary, Grammar); finish all the exercises you have missed in Unit 6 (SB, WB).
The tracks will be posted on Viber.